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V3.0 Change LB to rock64

Bought a rock64 off amazon that has SD card, case, LCD display all included for $20. It was even cheaper before at $8 but I missed it and it has since increased in price everytime it’s out of stock. But even at $20 it’s a steal.

I flashed a Ubuntu Bionic minimal image on to the SD card and ran my ansible playbook (after tweaking it a little to support arm64 arch) and boom, it’s my new load balancer. I still have to figure out how to make that LCD display work though.

Anyways, updated the diagram to reflect the new hardware. I’ll have to find a new use for the surface 3. I couldn’t add it as a new k8s node because it was simply not powerful enough. Just the overhead of running k8s on it was using up most of its resources.

Updated Diagram: Version 3.0 Diagram