Dennis Zhang

I like video games. This is my website. It's served out of my homelab K8s. Please no DDoS.

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An overview of my Concourse jobs at the moment

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Intro “Concourse is an open-source continuous thing-doer.” This is yet another pipeline tool in the same category as Gitlab CI or Github Actions. I selfhost this in my kubernetes cluster and use it mostly as a platform to automate things. Here’s a quick overview of the jobs I have on it. misc-notifications Random discord notifications for myself go in this pipeline. I only have two jobs that remind me to drink water and take walking breaks based on timers. Read More...

Paperless and Ihatemoney

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Paperless-ngx In my life long quest to own as few physical things as possible (unless they spark joy, of course), I am thankful to have found Paperless. This tool is a document archival and indexing platform where I can upload scanned documents. These uploads then can be tagged, placed in categories, or even have an associated correspondent, making organization super clean and simple. The best part about this tool is the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) that is automatically run on each document. Read More...


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OPNsense is an operating system based on FreeBSD that could be installed onto most hardware to turn it into a router and firewall. Despite using Google Wifi as my router without problems for years, I wanted to run OPNsense for my home network mostly because it gives me much more control than what Google Wifi offers. As I found out after installing it, it allowed me to remove a dedicated Pi-Hole as well. Read More...